May 8, CBB, working with Kenyan partners, conducted a biosecurity high-level meeting in Nairobi to generate support for biosecurity in Kenya. At the meeting, Kenyan parliamentarians and senior officials expressed strong support for biosecurity legislation. The health committee chairperson said to the Kenya media that Kenya is “to have biosecurity law in six months”. In a similar vein, university management expressed commitment to integrate biosecurity in curricula and trainings. This creates a strong platform for CBB’s continued efforts to strengthen biosecurity in Kenya.

After the high-level meeting, May 9-10, CBB conducted a 2-day train-the-trainer workshop for representatives from 8 key life-science universities in Kenya. The purpose of the workshop was to enable universities to integrate biosecurity in curriculum development and trainings. The train-the-trainer workshop was the culmination of 8 previous workshops conducted across Kenya, reaching a total of 450 students and employees.

The high-level meeting generated significant Kenyan press coverage. We have highlighted some examples of online press coverage below: